All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 39 of 39 in total

#2 Sweet Home Alabama, Roll Tide, streaking, and why church should matter.

Never let the opinion of others rob you of God’s intent for your life. 

#1 Marriage Quirks: Celebrating your differences on the road to happiness.

How would your partner grade your marriage if all things about your personal quirks were considered?

#7 Prayer vs. Prophetic Will of God

How should a Christian prayer for Israel or any need in our world?  Where does faith meet fate?

#6 Church - Is it just a bunch of nonsense?

Jesus said, “I will build my Church.”  The public gathering of the ekklesia has never been a human institution. Church is the  wisdom of God from eternity past. In thi...

#5 From Chaos To Clarity || Mark Evans

Have you ever felt like life "gut punched" you? How do you navigate life when a dark, chaotic, fearful, and anxious situation is staring you in the face?

#4 Resentment - When your soul becomes sick || Mark Evans

Anger is an emotion we all experience. Resentment? It’s a death sentence on your soul.  In this episode, Mark and Phil discuss how to avoid a sick soul by putting an e...

#3 "It is what it is" NO! It can be so much more || Mark Evans

In this episode Mark Evans continues to talk about regret and how there can be so much more for you. 

#2 Breaking cycles of regret || Mark Evans

How do you break the cycle of regret?  In this episode Mark Evans talks about 3 ways that you can live with zero regrets. 

#1: How to navigate your family through a generation of chaos || Mark Evans

In this episode Mark Evans talks about how to navigate your family through a generation of chaos.  

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